All started in 2007 when, after a concert in Manhattan, NYPD officers- claiming they smelled marijuana- boarded his bus and found a loaded 40-caliber pistol. His manager, Cortez Bryant, says the gun was his, but the cops charged Wayne. "It was all bullshit," Wayne says. "They found (the gun) inside a bag, and in that bag l had a prescription...
So they were like, 'This is your bag.' But it is what it is. I dropped my nuts and took it. He pleaded guilty to attempted criminal possession of a weapon and was sentenced to a year in Rikers. With good behavior, he d be out in eight months. Wayne was housed in Riker's Eric M. Taylor Unit, section 3-Upper...
He was in PC - protective custoday (Wayne calls it "Punk City") where they put anyone who might have trouble in the general population. celebrities, informants, child-molesters, ex-cops. He had his own 10-foot-by-six-foot cell - number 23 - with a bed, a sink, a toilet, a desk, and a window.(What was outside the window? "The jail") He also has had a so-called "day room" he share with eight or nine other inmates, where he could watch TV or play games for about eight hours a day.
Wayne skipped the mess hall, preferring to buy food from the
commissary - lasagna, chiken, tortillas, cheesy rice, Pop-Tarts.
3 Upper had a communal kitchen, so most days the PC-ers cooked together,
like the prison scene in Goodfellas. Other days, Wayne says, "I chef d up myself." He read a lot. Mostly Biographies: Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Marvine Gaye, Joan Jett, Vince Lombardi. He really liked Anthony Kiedis, Scar Tissue "That one was really good" And deeper stuff, too.
I read a book about 2012 and the Mayan apocalypse. I read Confucius,
Odes, the Tao Te Ching or Chung or however you say it, the whole Bible. That was my first time reading the Bible ever. What d you think? It was deep! I the parts where some character was once this, but he ended up being that. Like he d dissingJesus, and then he end up being a saint. That was cool.
For music, he had a little transistor radio, also from the commissary. He listened to mostly oldies - Anita Baker, Prince, except for Fridays and Saturdays, when DJs on the hip-hop station, could spin whatever they wanted. What we d do, since we gotta lock in at 10:45, everybody could turn their radios to the same station,and we d just be jamming, he says. It was basically like being in the club.
He also had a lot of visitors. His family, of course: his mom, Jacita, his four babies mothers, his12-year-old-daughter,Reginae, and his boys - two - year - old Dwayne III, 17 months - old - Kam and 14 - months - old Neal. Alot of friends too: P. Diddy. Fat Joe. Drake. and Nicki and everyone from cash money, of course Kanye West came and rapped his whole album for Wayne, two months before it came out.
Wayne spent eight months there, finally out and back in the studio working with T pain and Kanye West, for his new project Tha carter IV. Wayne wants his spot back, I hope he gets it.
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